The mono diet

UnknownDecisions decisions, they can lead to procrastination and inaction.

When I was at school I asked my teacher why we had to wear a uniform.

She said it was so we didn’t have to stress everyday what to wear.

I thought at the time that this was nonsense but maybe my 10 year old self was wrong.

The mono diet follows a similar principle to my teachers view on the wearing of uniform.

It is as it says on the tin:

You find some recipes/foods that you like that fit your nutritional requirements.

So if you want to lose some fat and know you need to eat 1900 calories a day, you find foods which equate to that number.

Quite simply you then eat those same foods everyday.

It takes the thought and complexity out of eating.

Much as I am NOT a fan of liquid diets, this is one of the ways they work for people in the short term, that and their starvation principle!

The mono diet doesn’t have the starvation principle but it is the predictability of knowing what you need to eat and when, which makes it successful for some people.

Choice is good but it can also paralyse us.

It can make us think about things far too much.

Question things.

Whilst this may serve our intellectual appetite, it leads to getting nothing done.

This approach to eating can also help with the forming of habit.

One legitimate argument against this approach would be that you are only getting nutrients from a narrow food group which in turn means missing out on some micro nutrients – NOT good.

Hence a better strategy if this sounds appealing would be to change your “mono” diet each week.

There are however many ways to skin a cat and whilst this may sound appealing to some of you, others will scorn at the boredom this approach can bring.

To be honest this approach would not be for me.

I love food and the variety makes me enjoy it more.

Therefore you may just need one good recipes and structure.

That’s why I created my group coaching programme – The Total Triathlete:

You get a copy of my book which helps you set up your own perfect diet based on your body type, activity levels etc and it teaches you how to stay lean once you reach your goal..

You get this book FREE on sign up.

From there it is £10 ($14 approx) per month for as long as you like.

You even get access to the Facebook page where I will review your days nutrition as often as you post it.

Thats one hell of a deal.

Have a look here:

Jamie “variety can be the spice of life” Leighton.

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