How much fat should you eat?

Unknown-2You may have noticed in the news this week that fat is NOT the reason for the obesity epidemic.

What amazes me about all these stories is that they publish them once and get a reaction, then a few months later publish them again – This is NOT new news!

Fat is essential for our function.

Protein is essential for our survival.

We can though live without carbs but should we?

Absolutely not in my opinion – Why would you want to?

The problem with the media as we all know is sensationalism.

It gets our attention but it also misleads us in order to sell more papers.

Good nutrition is about balance and that means eating some protein, some fat and some carbs.

Exactly how much of each (macro nutrient ratio), will vary from person to person, will be dependent on your goal, your genetics, your activity levels etc etc.

For example a 6ft 2 inch male sprinter weighing 82kg aged 25 who trains twice a day with explosive movements will need a completely different ratio to you – an endurance athlete.

A less extreme example would be a 5ft 2inch women weighing 75kg training for triathlon would need a completely different macro nutrient ratio to a 5ft 11 inch man weighing 70kg also training for triathlon.

So how do you know what’s best for you?

You can experiment.

You can jump on fads like no carbs and see how you get on – for some people this is great, for others horrendous.


You can hire me to figure it out for you.


You can buy my ebook – The Triathlon Nutrition Code:

This explains it all for you.

Gives you recipe ideas.

Tells you how much fat you should eat.

Tells you how to make adjustments dependent on your goals and circumstances.

Give it a read.

For £9.99/$14 – approx you can’t go wrong:

Jamie “balanced diets sound boring” Leighton

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