Which supplements do you need?

Unknown-1I was on Facebook the other day and noticed a thread about someone who was getting sick a lot – lets call him Fred

Fred was asking which supplements would help with this?

There were loads of answers offering advice as to which brands and products various people thought best.

Interestingly, nobody had asked about other lifestyle issues which may be contributing to a weakened immune system.

I guess it is innate in all of us to look for the easiest possible way of getting the best result.

This is why supplements have become such big business.

We all want a magic little pill.

I asked Fred what his sleep was like and whether he had recently reduced his carb intake?

His sleep was poor and yes he had been trying to lose some weight by reducing carbs.

Hey Presto!

Two BIG reasons for a compromised immune system in one.

Now, Fred is not a client so I don’t know whether there may be some other issues but sorting out his sleep and making sure he is getting enough carbs/energy will definitely help.

The magic pills come second to the good diet and sleep.

Yes, I do think supplements have a place.

They are however exactly what their name suggests – Supplements to an otherwise good diet and healthy balanced lifestyle.

A little like insurance if you like.

There are supplements which can help with sleep.

There are supplements which can provide appropriate carbs in an easy form when you need them most.

So yes, Fred may have benefitted from supplements.

But not a magic all in one pill.

If you need some advice on which supplements a Triathlete needs, take a ganders at my book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


It tells you what, when and why.

It also gives you advice on how many carbs you should be eating for your body type.

This could easily solve quite a few of your nutritional dilemmas, so is definitely worth a read.

It’s only £10 ($14 approx).

Have a look NOW:


Jamie “Real Food” Leighton

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