Just try harder!

UnknownWe all know that losing fat is theoretically NOT that hard.

Eat less, move more and all that.

However if it were that simple, surely that would mean all the Triathletes out there would be very lean.

Training for most will be anywhere from 4 – 12 times a week which should mean that in essence you are burning more than enough energy to lose fat.

I met a guy (Peter) the other day who is in a wheelchair as a result of a motorcycle accident – he can’t walk anymore.

We were chatting and he told me how he had lost a load of weight – weight he had put on after the accident.

He trains in the gym most days but is obviously limited to pure upper body movements.

“How did you lose the weight” I asked?

“Stopped eating sh*t”

Fair enough.

When I probed more it turned out he had removed completely the following:
Refined sugar
Some call this an elimination diet

Why did he do it?

He was a fit guy prior to his accident, training in various martial arts.

When he lost his physical fitness with his accident, he lost a part of him.

Gaining the weight affected his health and his health was more important now than ever.

He knew if he wanted to live a fulfilling, long and healthy life he needed to make some big changes.

In short he was motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

How many of us can honestly say that?

I have a theory as to why that is:

We all tend to hide away from the reality, from the pain.

We perhaps know we need to lose some fat, maybe for our health, maybe because we want to run faster, or maybe because we want to look better in our tri suit.

But so often the weeks and months pass by without progress.

We convince ourselves that we are happy with what we’ve got.

We say – “Next Year”

Peter didn’t do this, he faced up to it and just got it done.

Sure enough he had a life changing event which led to him being overweight but that also means he values his health and physical wellbeing more now than ever.

So are you just being soft?

Should you just man up and get it done?



Buy this book:


The Triathlete Nutrition Code.

It’s full of info on how to setup the perfect diet plan for you – written for athletes not just regular people.

People who train hard and can’t understand why they’re not losing the fat.

It’s full of recipes and hundreds have been sold to triathletes all over the world this year.

I’m really proud of it.

Get yours now and just get it done!!


Jamie “Toughen up” Leighton

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