How to be your best

Unknown-2I spend a lot of time in gyms and with people who train.

I’ve noticed a theme…..

There is a group of people who lead their lives with intensity and there are those who do not.

There are those who think that by simply going through a process, in what might be a relatively half hearted manner, they deserve success.

They think that by just turning up, they deserve success – whether that be a six pack or a sub 2 hour olympic distance tri.

I’ve been there myself if I am honest, with sport and with my business – This business!

What I’ve personally learnt is that quite simply the more effort I put in, the more I get back.

From a training point of view, this is difficult because not every session can or should be flat out but it can and should be at the prescribed intensity.

Whether that be flat out or easy – Most people just do everything in the middle.

In fact, most people just do everything in life in the middle.

Just enough to be ahead of people, so you don’t feel bad.


Not at the front of the pack.

There can obviously be many reasons for this and some very legitimate but there is no excuse for not sticking to your plan.

If your plan has been to drop fat and its not worked its because you’ve done something wrong.

You may not have tried hard enough!

You may have tried too hard.

Probably though you have just been inconsistent and NOT stuck to your plan.

Because whilst intensity to our lives is important, so is the patience to see that work pay off and that it is more true with fat loss than most things.

The real key then is to enjoy the process.

Enjoy committing everything.

With fat loss though, this is difficult because people see the process as one of restriction and boring.

Yes, there does have to be some restriction but the food doesn’t have to be boring.

If you can find food that you love, that makes you feel good, makes you feel energised and perform better, well that is perfect.

The problem then is making that diet stick and for that support is key.

It’s why I set up my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

For £10 ($14 ish) a month you get:
A copy of my book
A monthly E magazine
Access to the private Facebook page where you can have me critique your nutrition as often as you post it.
S&C advice
Advice from Kelly a Sub 2:50 marathoner
And you can unsubscribe any time.

It’s a no brainer and shows a commitment to yourself and achieving your aims – That is worth more than anything in the world!

Join now:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “Be a winner” Leighton

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