Have you got a meal plan?

imagesWhen people take up triathlon they usually decide that they need a plan.

Whether it be a free training plan they get off the internet, or whether they enlist the services of a professional coach.

They usually do the first option initially, which gets them to a certain level, then……..

Well, then they decide if they are going to get faster, get the best from their physiology, they need someone with experience of helping people.

Hence the popularity of online coaching.

I see nutrition as being no different, you need a plan.

This could simply be done by you writing down meal plan for the week.

Mondays breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Then the same for each day of the week, once you’ve done this, its just a case of going to the shops and getting all you need for the week.

There is absolutely no doubt that this is the MOST effective way of sticking to a diet.

If you’ve gone out and bought the stuff, you are far more likely to eat it.

Far less likely to get tempted into having a takeaway, or picking something up from the shops on the way home from work.

The fact you have a plan means that you have made a commitment to yourself.

In the same you do when you buy a training plan of the internet, or hire a coach.

If on the other hand you just try and do it in a half cocked manner, you are far less likely to succeed, whatever your genetics.

Then the next question is what should you eat?

As I’ve said countless times, its single ingredient, nutrient dense foods which will serve you best.

Stick to this and you will lose fat and give yourself the best possible chance of being healthy and swimming, biking and running faster, which is ultimately all of our aims!

It’s why I’ve decided to add a weekly meal plan to my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

All recipes are given in my book which is FREE on sign up.

Each day, you have an exact plan to follow.

Now, because not everyone is the same, we can discuss your personal requirements on the private Facebook page.

Like, how much rice is enough?


What if I train first thing and I’ve not got time for breakfast?

Having somebody answer these questions for you is where the magic happens.

It engages you and makes you accountable.

Both of which are the key to success in any area.

This all costs you £10 a month, roughly 14USD which is incredibly cheap.

It’s this cheap because I can deal with large numbers and that is the eventual aim of this service.

At the moment though it is still quite small, so you will get even more attention.

Get involved now:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “Make it happen” Leighton

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