Pre Christmas diet plan

Unknown-3Here in the UK, the clocks have gone back, which means dark nights, which means running in the dark and cycling with lights on for the next few months.

It is miserable and genuinely gets lots of people down – In the triathletes case, probably because there is more time spent on the turbo and treadmill!

Anyway, like a shinning light in the distance, is the prospect of Christmas and with it, all its dietary challenges.

For most of us, these celebrations won’t start for at least another month or six weeks – I’m not a fan of getting my tree up early!

From a practical point of view though, there is the very real issue of dealing with weight gain but perhaps even more importantly, it can derail progress to your goal.

If you need to lose fat then you probably needed to lose fat in January this year.

If you managed it – fair play!

If you didn’t, the year is not yet out.

You can still do it.

13,000 triathletes read these emails and some of you will NOT have achieved your goal at the start of this year – that is fact.

So what are you going to do?

Train more?

Miss even more time with family and friends, so you can burn some extra calories?

Add further stress to your relationship by saying:

“I’ve got to get some extra training in”

Not if you’ve got any sense.

Remember, you can NOT out train a bad diet.

Doing lots of exercise does NOT give you free reign on what you eat – especially if you are not 25 anymore.

The diet needs to be nailed, not 100% perfect, probably only 80%.

What else do you need?

Some accountability.

Some support.

Some guidance.

Someone to tell you when you are right and when you are wrong.

A plan.

This is exactly the reason why I set up my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

Inside you get:

A free copy of my book

Access to the private Facebook group where you can ask me as many questions as you like.

Meal plans through the Facebook group.

Monthly E-Magazine


October has seen the most subscribers yet from people who don’t want to wait until January – they know that now is the right time.

It’s only £10 a month, roughly 12 USD and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Don’t wait and don’t think doing extra training will work – there are only so many hours in a day and getting your diet right is like a shortcut.

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “NOT another hour on the turbo” Leighton

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