Time is running out

Unknown-1Here is the cycle of the triathlete dieter:

1 – Decide to lose weight.

2 – Start losing weight, usually on a Monday and do well until Friday.

3 – Friday = wine and a treat after a hard week.

4 – Saturday and Sunday = hard long training and hence you eat more, which is correct but often more junk. Wine and cake anyone?

5 – Weigh in on Monday, exactly the same as the previous week and the cycle continues.

That is until Christmas arrives or any other excuse for that matter but that will be the next biggy.

The decision is then made that there is no point in doing this now – might as well wait until the New Year.

And so things continue……….

You see, the fact is losing fat is not easy. Yes, its easy in principle and we all know people (usually skinny, who’ve never been fat in their lives) who will remind us of this:

“You’ve just got to eat less and move more”

No shit sherlock!

So why can’t people do it?

Because it takes discipline and sacrifice.

It also takes patience.

And it is that last one where so many go wrong.

Anyone can eat well for three or four days but thats not enough.

You need to string the weeks together and maybe even the months, depending on how much needs to go.

Imagine this though…..

You successfully lose 2 pounds a week for the next 2 months – Yes thats 16 pounds, over 1 stone.

No matter how much you need to lose, 1 stone will make a difference.

What happens in 8 weeks?


Now you can wait until then, or the New Year, or you can do something about it now.

Sure, if you lose 16 pounds now, you may put a couple on over the festive period but if you don’t lose those 16 pounds, you will be heavier in January than you are now.

Remember that promise you made to yourself?

Well stick to it!

Hard words I know but all of us need to hear them from time to time.

As I’ve said before, this time of year is ideal for Triathletes to lose some fat because their training is often not as focussed, mainly because their race season is a way away.

It means you can focus on ONE thing – Losing Fat.

And you know that will make you faster whether you are fitter or not, which of course you will be.

You can do this on your own but if you’ve tried that and it hasn’t worked, it is time to join my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

You get a meal plan via the private Facebook group

Ask me anything about YOUR nutrition through the private group.

You get recipes.

You get a monthly E-Magazine going out on Tuesday.

You get a FREE copy of my book.

Etc, Etc.

And its only £10/12 ish USD a month and you can unsubscribe any time if its not for you – No hard feelings!

Don’t wait, whether it is with my help or not – Just do it now!

Join here:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “there is never a right time” Leighton

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