What supplements should you take?

It is true that you probably don’t need supplements but that is assuming you are doing everything correctly from, a nutrition point of view.

Which basically rules out everybody.

Especially people who do exhaustive sport – like triathlon.

You see, the extra demands on your body mean you need more nutrients and fuel to perform optimally but also recover well.

And if you don’t recover well, you are unlikely to perform optimally.

This is where supplements are useful.

For example – As an athlete you need to take on sufficient protein to help your muscles recover.

We all know that though.

The challenge is then, that there are only so many eggs you can eat.

Hence the rise in the protein powder industry.

It is possible to get enough protein from food but you need a well thought out plan.

If you’re having cereal for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch – the chances are you are well down on your needs.

This means on those long sessions you are going to be more likely to eat into your valuable muscle stores.

This is bad in two ways:

1 – You end up looking soft and saggy and go slow to boot.
2 – Muscle is metabolically demanding – meaning it helps keep you lean.

So maintenance of muscle is key to low body fat levels

This is where having some easy, tasty recipes can help.

Ones which have sufficient protein for the athlete.

My E-book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


Has many – all designed to help the endurance athlete maintain their valuable muscle.

Which helps keeping their metabolic rate active.

Which helps with that feeling of being toned.

Which helps with you being able to swim, bike and run faster.

If you are part of the cereal and sandwich brigade, you need to get it now:


Jamie “porridge is cereal to me” Leighton

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