I feel fat today

It doesn’t take much to derail good eating habits.

A night out, a birthday, Christmas, Easter or even just a weekend.

The sad thing is that so many people get it right most of the time and then with just a few mistakes can completely mess up their progress.

It is likely that a fair few of the 15,000 triathletes reading this have had a BAD few days.

Easter eggs in the house.

Social engagements.


Less training.

And all this is because we have had a disruption to our routine.

This disruption acts as an excuse to let our good nutritional practices slip.

And with that will come fat gain or at least NO fat loss.

So what should you do?

Establishing good routine is key.

And this starts with the formulation of sustainable good habits, on which we base a successful diet.

It’s something I am going to go over this week in my private coaching group – The Total Triathlete:

The Total Triathlete

Dialling in one habit a day for the remainder of this week.

Each habit on their own will not lead to huge gains but when you add them all together – serious magic starts to happen.

More energy.

Increased leanness.

A faster run.

Better recovery.

And consequently the ability to train harder.

For each habit, you will get access to a video explaining how and why this will benefit you.

Unfortunately I can’t force you to do this – nobody can.

The change has to come from you but….

I can guide you and I can support you.

I can answer your questions.

Not just on the habits but any other nutritional queries.

All for £10 a month.

Not sure?

Remember that promise you made to yourself at the beginning of this year?

How you were going to lose fat for good.

Well, if thats not happened – now is the time to MAKE it happen.

Join here:

The Total Triathlete

Jamie “New Start” Leighton

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