Do this and lose fat

I was listening to a podcast the other day where a guy said that if people could just cut out pizza, alcohol, chocolate and carbonated drinks the world would not be obese.

To be fair, I think that is not far off the mark.

That is assuming they are moving a reasonable amount.

As a Triathlete though, you are moving more than a reasonable amount.

You will be moving excessively.

Whilst in some ways this is good, in others it creates a problem.

Firstly, it makes you hungry.

Secondly, it makes you think you can get away with eating some crap.

If you’re reading this I assume you need to lose some fat – otherwise why would you be reading it?

Let me start then by saying you do need to minimise any processed foods and that includes alcohol.

The problem with cutting them out completely though is that you crave them, so whats the answer?

Follow a diet which allows you to eat foods and meals which are nice.

Which satisfy your cravings and your hunger.

Also a diet which allows you to have some of the things you crave.

This is why i wrote my E-book – The Triathlete Nutrition Code:


Inside, it is full of tasty, healthy and filling recipes.

They’re not complicated and make you feel like you’ve eaten – which if you’re like me and a bit greedy is crucial.

The book also teaches you how to set up your calories.

If then at the end of the day you have a few remaining calories, fill it with a glass of wine or bar of chocolate and no harm will be done.

Sounds simple doesn’t it?

Thats because it is, all for £10/12 USD

Get it now:


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