I suppose like everything coffee is OK in the right quantities but is there a better time to enjoy a cup? Caffeine is obviously a stimulant which can be helpful but also problematic. Why is it a problem? One of the main reasons for the athlete is that we are very often
Why everyone needs to eat differently
As you all know, I work with a lot of people one to one to help them improve upon their nutrition. Almost always the intention is fat loss. Almost always I need to increase the amount of whole foods somebody eats. Almost always the fat% goes up
Which supplements do you need?
I was on Facebook the other day and noticed a thread about someone who was getting sick a lot – lets call him Fred Fred was asking which supplements would help with this? There were loads of answers offering advice as to which brands and products various people thought best.
Why you stopped losing fat
This is a very common scenario. You start training and your diet gets better and guess what? Yes you lose some fat and start to feel good about yourself. For me I remember this clearly, even though it was 20 years ago. My aim at the time, as daft as it sounds, wass to feel […]
Do you count calories?
It’s easier than ever to do this with apps like my fitness pal. The main benefit for me is that it educates us around how many calories are in what foods and drinks. It also gives us a degree of accountability albeit to ourselves and our phones. The fact is though that counting calories only […]
I think we all look forward to a taper into our “A” race. Feeling fresh for a change. It’s a dangerous time though with regards nutrition, a reduction in energy expenditure can leave you feeling heavy on race day. So what do you do? Well, you want to have full energy stores whatever race distance […]
How to eat when travelling
As you’re reading this, I am on the motorway travelling down to London for the weekend. If I am completely honest with you, travelling causes me a little anxiety when it comes to my nutrition. I love eating well because of how that makes me feel – Generally energised and strong. When we travel though, […]
Eat right for you
There are an awful lot of generalisations made when it comes to both training and nutrition. Some simple principles which are considered, what you need to do – such as: To get fitter – up your volume To lose weight – reduce your calories. Of course both are correct but as we know, both at […]
How much fat should you eat?
You may have noticed in the news this week that fat is NOT the reason for the obesity epidemic. What amazes me about all these stories is that they publish them once and get a reaction, then a few months later publish them again – This is NOT new news!
Losing fat makes me tired.
Here is one of the most popular scenarios I come across: I need to lose some weight I will reduce what I eat I will train more I lose a bit of weight I stop losing weight I will reduce what I eat I will train more